Selmer Mark VI Soprano Saxophone, Silver Plated, NEAR MINT
Selmer Mark VI soprano saxophone, s/n 265,xxx. Here's a silver plated Mark VI in near mint condition, with a relatively recent overhaul. This horn is in incredible condition, and the silver plating is nearly 100% intact. There is some tarnishing around the RH keys, but otherwise, it looks excellent overall. It's rare to see this condition for a horn of this age. The body is straight and the bell flare is perfect. The horn comes in an awesome vintage soprano case.
The pads look like they're in new condition. The horn has metal resonators, giving the sound a very nice full and direct sound. The horn plays effortlessly from low Bb to high F and beyond.
There's nothing like the sound of a Mark VI soprano. The ergonomics take a bit of getting used to, but if you're after the sound of a vintage soprano, it's hard to capture this vibe in a modern horn.