196,xxx Selmer Mark VI Baritone Saxophone, Original Lacquer
196,xxx Selmer Mark VI baritone saxophone with original lacquer. Here is a vintage Selmer bari sax that has that incredible vintage Mark VI sound. It's agressive and punchy, in such a way that only a great Bb Mark VI possesses. The sax was acquired from a local middle school band director, who purchased it from the school where he teaches. The sax has the look and feel of a school horn. It's been regularly maintained, and the pads are in like new condition. They will not need to be changed out. However, like any big school horn, this one has its share of dents and scratches. Although some may fell that they give the horn character, others may want to get them taken out. The sax plays well up and down, but it would definitely benefit from a service after it's shipped. The sax comes in a very nice modern contoured case with wheels.